
Bedtime Stress & COVID: 19 Wellness Tools For Kids: Strategies for parents and kids to keep bedtime calm and stress-free

The novel coronavirus pandemic has brought dark times upon the world, and while much of America finds itself out of work, darkened classrooms wait in shuttered schools with no students to fill their empty desks.…

The novel coronavirus pandemic has brought dark times upon the world, and while much of America finds itself out of work, darkened classrooms wait in shuttered schools with no students to fill their empty desks. In the middle of it all stands curious, confused little minds that can’t comprehend the full extent of the virus, but still, they inherently know that their world will never again be the same.

Mental Health and Young Minds
Children have had all traditional forms of socialization ripped away thanks to social distancing and quarantine. Schedules have been interrupted, once set plans are now thrown in disarray, and socialization opportunities are drastically reduced.

It has been especially difficult for older children, who are old enough to understand that the world outside is not safe. With sickness running rampant and no solution readily available to fight it, life today resembles something of a sci-fi flick that children are more likely to watch on TV screens in their living room and not running amuck outside the front door.