independence day

Image Courtesy of Centropolis Entertainment

Julia Fair’s 30 Movies to Stream When You’re Ordered to Stay at Home: A Grown Up’s Guide

The Good Guys Always Win in the End  Don’t want to dwell in the negative?  Doesn’t a good attitude and a belief in a better world make it all work?  Well isn’t that what we go to…

The Good Guys Always Win in the End

 Don’t want to dwell in the negative?  Doesn’t a good attitude and a belief in a better world make it all work?  Well isn’t that what we go to the movies to see? 

Independence Day – It’s schlock, it’s dumb, it’s silly.  But all it takes is a yahoo American and a can do attitude, and we can defeat the aliens.  

Die Hard –  A police detective discovers he’s the only guy who can save a bunch of hostages from terrorists in a locked down building.  Yippee Ki Yay.

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade – The wrath of God himself can’t take down Indiana Jones, but it sure can help him fight the Nazis.

Field of Dreams – If you build it, they will come.  A beautiful look at 70’s counter-culture coming into the age of parenthood, and wondering if giving peace a chance was really ever going to work in the first place.  Sometimes you just have to believe.  And you’ll be right.

The Princess Bride – Good for the entire family and always a classic.  It’s about true love, do you think that kind of thing happens every day?  Nothing can defeat true love.

Next week she’ll focus on: Okay, the Good guys win in the end, but it’s smart leadership I want to see!   

ABOUT JULIA FAIR.  Julia moved to Bainbridge Island three years ago with her husband and two children, and has found her work home at IslandWood. An original native of Mississippi, Julia started her career working on the successful independent film, The Blair Witch Project. Her first produced feature length scripts, Believers and Alien Raiders, were released on DVD by Warner Brothers home video, and she strongly encourages you to rent them as she does still receive residuals on them. Quentin Tarantino counts Alien Raiders as one of his personal favorites, just saying.  Outside of writing, Julia has been heavily involved in research as well as viral marketing for a variety of science fiction and paranormal movies and shows, such as In Search Of and Hellboy. Her experience as an intensive and detailed researcher, as well as a horror and fantasy/sci-fi maven led her to be tapped by Paramount Pictures and Universal Studios where she worked behind the scenes in the Brain Trust for both Stephen King’s The Dark Tower and Michael Bay’s Transformers.  She recently spoke at the Library of Congress, discussing the making of modern myths and how Blair Witch, like War of the Worlds, reveals the way humans can seek out and even forcefully choose to believe misinformation. She enjoys long walks, nature, white papers from the National Institute of Health, the companionship of good friends, and dystopian sci-fi.